OHA Drinking Water Services
OHA Drinking Water Services
Contact Report Details

PWS ID: OR41 90869
Who Was Contacted: Andy Wright
Contact Phone: (Email address hidden)
Contact Date: 05/07/2019
Contact Method/Location: Email
Assistance Type: OTHER REGULATORY - New Well project
Reasons: Other
Details: New well project requirements.

On 05.07.19 Mr. Wright emailed me inquiring about the requirements to drill a new well at Huntley Park and decommission the existing well.

I informed Mr. Wright that a plan review process is needed to drill a new drinking water well. The plan review packet must be completed and submitted to the State Drinking Water Services (DWS). This process should be done ahead of time, before drilling the well, so there are no setback problems and it is sealed properly, etc. The well driller will file the required paperwork with WRD.

Hyperlinks to the plan review packet and to the DWS Plan Review website were included in my email.

On 05.21.19 Mr. Wright email me stating that the new well project would be located within 20-40 feet of the old one. Given the closeness of the new well, Mr. Wright has two options:

1. He could keep the current well as an emergency source. In this case he would have to keep it secured to minimize any chance of tampering, etc. There would be no sampling requirements for an inactive emergency source unless they decide to start using it again - then a nitrate and coliform sample is required before use.

2. The other option would be to properly abandon the current well. A new well within 100 ft. of the current well would be considered a sanitary hazard if the current well is not “properly abandoned".

More information for this water system: SDWIS ID 798
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