OHA Drinking Water Services
OHA Drinking Water Services
Contact Report Details

PWS ID: OR41 94901
Who Was Contacted: Steven Mathias
Contact Phone: 503-341-1794
Contact Date: 01/14/2019
Contact Method/Location: Phone
Details: Athey Creek Middle School wishes to decommission their chlorination system and run only UV for disinfection. The operator mentioned that in the near future, plans for expanding the distribution system include adding a high school to the existing system. The system also wished to build in redundancy to the new UV system.

Dan Vaage visited the system on January 17th, 2019. Discussed objectives with the operator, and later made calculations and recommendations for sizing new UV equipment. The existing pump in the inground storage tank has a rated maximum flowrate of 107 GPM. The selected UV device needs to be rated for at least 107 GPM. On the attached list of OHA/DWS approved reactors, the Trojan Brand UVSwift SC B03 meets this requirement at a max flowrate of 132 GPM. Since the system plans on redundancy, they should install two units. If the storage tank pump is upgraded in the future when the high school is added to the system, the system will need to add more units to cover the flowrate of the new pump. It is estimated that the high school addition will probably double the current demand for water, and as such, four units would be recommended to disinfect flows up to 264 GPM and provide full redundancy.

More information for this water system: SDWIS ID 2009
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