OHA Drinking Water Services
OHA Drinking Water Services
Contact Report Details

PWS ID: OR41 00001
Who Was Contacted: Debbie Sutor
Contact Phone: 541-566-2077 (Email address hidden)
Contact Date: 01/21/2019
Contact Method/Location: Email
Details: Ms. Sutor requested help with questions she has about the operation of the City of Adams water system. She wants to ensure that the water system is within compliance and if there are any upcoming regulation changes that they may need to be aware of.
1/21/19 – Ms. Sutor sent Civil West Engineering an email request for assistance.
1/23/19 – Civil West responded back to Ms. Sutor via email telling her that her request will be sent to HECO Engineers for assistance with her questions and concerns.
1/25/19 – Civil West forwarded an email to HECO Engineers requesting that we reach out to Ms. Sutor for assistance with her questions and concerns.
1/25/19 – HECO Engineering staff, Paul Bizeau, called Ms. Sutor. She gave Paul dates that she would be available to discuss her questions and concerns. Paul turned this Request for Assistance over to Bret due to him being laid off from work.
1/30/19 – Bret Turner with HECO called Ms. Sutor, she did not answer her phone, so a message was left with her to contact Bret back to discuss her request for assistance.
2/14/19 – Bret sent and email to Marlin expressing our concern that Ms. Sutor has not contacted us back.
2/19/19 – Marlin with Civil West emailed HECO back explaining that the best way to contact Ms. Sutor was through email correspondence.
2/20/19 – HECO, Bret, sent an email to Ms. Sutor indicating that we have made several attempts to contact her by phone and had not heard back from her.
2/20/19 – Received an email back from Ms. Sutor. She indicated that she had received our phone messages but was unable to respond due to her full time employment. She indicated that the City was working on getting a committee of City Council members together to form a water committee. They have not got the committee together yet and when they did get it formed they would then need our assistance. She was hopeful someone from the committee would be contacting us in mid-March.
2/20/19 – HECO sent Civil West an email

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