OHA Drinking Water Services
OHA Drinking Water Services
Contact Report Details

PWS ID: OR41 95325
Who Was Contacted: Gary Lillie
Contact Phone: 541-297-6707
Contact Date: 07/08/2019
Contact Method/Location: Phone
Assistance Type: OTHER REGULATORY - Hauling Water
Details: Spoke to Gary Lillie by phone regarding the change of hauling water from Coos Bay North Bend Water Board and pumped into a 2,500 gal tank for use between the church and parson's home (pws ).
With the change I confirmed:
1. It is no longer necessary to sample for nitrate
2. The sampling frequency for total coliform bacteria is now monthly
3. A chlorine residual is to be maintained at all times and 0.2 mg/l is satisfactory
4. The chlorine residual is to be measured and documented at least twice a week
5. Cease submitting monthly chlorine residual reports to the state drinking water services agency, but I still want to see these documents when the system is surveyed every few years
6. Any tank or pipe used for moving water to the church system must be "water safe" NSF 61
7. Assure precautions are in place to prevent contamination of the inside of the 2,500 gallon church tank when its being filled
8. There is no physical connection between the well and the tank providing water to the church

More information for this water system: SDWIS ID 4983
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