OHA Drinking Water Services
OHA Drinking Water Services
Contact Report Details

PWS ID: OR41 92634
Who Was Contacted: Janeen Tervo, District Ranger, USFS
Contact Phone: (Email address hidden)
Contact Date: 08/14/2019
Contact Method/Location: Email
Assistance Type: OTHER REGULATORY - Corrective Action Plan - Email Communication
Details: An email was sent to Hood River County. In part, it said:

"...On 8/29/19 we plan to conduct an on-site inspection of the work completed at the Cloud Cap Inn and Snow Shoe Club. This work involves disconnecting or otherwise disabling all faucets and water sources other than providing water supply to toilets (to feed septic systems) and an outside faucet for wildland fire suppression purposes. We look forward to providing you with the opportunity to view the work that our partners have accomplished. We plan to meet at the Cloud Cap Inn @ 1000 that morning.

The FS and Hood River County Health Department support the Crag Rats and Snow Shoe Club in developing plans that would mitigate the surface water issue - as a short term approach - prior to the long term solution being implemented. These plans will be submitted to me and distributed for review by FS engineers. The plans will also be shared with you and the Oregon State Health Authority for review. Our partners are interested in our review moving swiftly. Should the plans be approved, the goal would be to complete the work prior to winter.

The FS has secured $50,000 for an Engineering Report (ER) which is currently being processed in contracting. We anticipate the ER to be completed in December 2019. The ER is part one of a three phase process; the second phase involves project design; phase three is implementation. The FS anticipates this process could take two to three years to complete..."

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