OHA Drinking Water Services
OHA Drinking Water Services
Contact Report Details

PWS ID: OR41 01172
Who Was Contacted: Complainant
Contact Phone: 503-556-5235
Contact Date: 08/20/2019
Contact Method/Location: Phone
Reasons: Other
Details: Received another complaint from a resident at Western Hills. They state they have not had water for 2 weeks. They have had to go into town to buy water, wash clothes, book hotel rooms/camp sites in order to take showers etc. They mentioned that the owners have offered several excuses as to why there is no water including a water main break in the City of Rainier which would have no bearing on water service at Western Hills.

Spoke with complainant and they stated they confirmed they have been without water for 2 weeks. They stated many people are going to town to buy water, shower etc. Some residents have been showering at Hudson Park for $5. They also stated that the owners of the park increased their rent from $580 to $700, an increase of 20%. This was justified as an increase to pay for repairs in the park. They also stated there are several other residents who are afraid to complain due to the owners retaliation in the form of eviction. The complainant stated several residents have been evicted in the past for filing complaints. They also stated that the owners lower the water pressure when they get upset with tenants. Unable to verify this. I provided the complainant with the number for the Oregon Housing and Community Services Department number (1-800-453-5511) to file their non-water related complaints. Complainant has lived at the park for 18 years and things have only worsened with the new owners.

More information for this water system: SDWIS ID 3566
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