OHA Drinking Water Services
OHA Drinking Water Services
Contact Report Details

PWS ID: OR41 01172
Who Was Contacted: Complainant
Contact Phone: 503-397-7247
Contact Date: 08/22/2019
Contact Method/Location: Phone
Details: Phone number is for Michael Paul. Complainant did not leave number.

Complainant has been a resident at Western Hills for 17 years. They have never experienced water issues like this. They informed me that the park management was attempting to located the suspected blockage in the water line on 8/21/2019 and in doing so, broke a water line. No notice has been issued by the management.

The complainant also informed me that the management told tenants they would be allowed to obtain a 20 pack of bottled water from the park manager, John Mohammed. However, that is the maximum allotment per unit. The complainant added that they quickly ran out of water and not all tenants were able to obtain bottled water. Many tenants continue to shower at Hudson Park, and travel to Rainier to obtain drinking water and go to the bathroom. Some have started staying at hotels.

Complainant mentioned they also received a letter from the park owners asking them to accept blame for the parks water supply issues and agree to use less water. They also had their rent increased from $580 to $700 this past February. The justification for this was allegedly to pay for the costs of park repairs.

More information for this water system: SDWIS ID 3566
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