OHA Drinking Water Services
OHA Drinking Water Services
Contact Report Details

PWS ID: OR41 05364
Who Was Contacted: GlennDoetsch
Contact Phone: 541-404-8304
Contact Date: 09/18/2019
Contact Method/Location: Phone
Reasons: Arsenic
Details: Discussed with Glenn the arsenic result from Sample (ID: 1909405001-I)collected on 9/9/19 which showed a level of 0.41200 (from well #3 reported as taken out of service). He stated that he had been directed by a DWS person to collect arsenic samples from each active well and all residences following point of use treatment. He stated that he had done so, but debated consistency in well identification.
It was clarified that this sample had been collected from the well found by (1) entering the property from HWY 42. There are 2 lanes to the right: one going down slope and the other going up. (2) Take the up hill lane and the well is found (3) on the right across from space #1. As per sdwis this is Well #1 and I encouraged him to verify this by checking the corresponding well tag L80721 and even consider using the tag # on future sample paperwork. ON 9/23/19 r hallmark WENT TO THE WELL AS PER INSTRUCTIONS ABOVE AND CONFIRMED THE WELL TAG READS "L80721" AND THUS CORRESPONDS TO WHAT SDWIS DESIGNATES AS WELL #1.

Glenn had also collected a source assessment sample from the same well on the same day (9/9/19)and again labeled it as from well #3. We confirmed that well #3 (drilled near HWY 42 entrance to the property) was unapproved for use and was physically unavailable for service. I told Glenn that I'd request for a change to be made so what is now showing as the 2 samples collected from #3 on 9/9 to show as taken from #1.
Glenn also confirmed he was planning to collect arsenic samples after point-of-use treatment for 1/3 (8-9/25) of the residences on the property on a quarterly basis starting next quarter.
Associated Alerts: CHEM8511 - 09/17/2019 - ARSENIC

More information for this water system: SDWIS ID 3861
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