OHA Drinking Water Services
OHA Drinking Water Services
Contact Report Details

PWS ID: OR41 01501
Who Was Contacted: JASON WILSON
Contact Phone: 541-297-3371 (Email address hidden)
Contact Date: 09/17/2019
Contacted By: PARRY, BETSY (DWP)
Contact Method/Location: Phone
Reasons: Disinfection Byproducts
Details: Phoned Jason due to a 8/29/19 TTHM result that was over the MCL. Jason wonders if the warm weather might have played a part (he remembers the water was over 20 degrees C). This result means a schedule change to quarterly DBP monitoring. There is no violation until the running annual average exceeds the MCL. After a year of quarterly monitoring (probably after the August sample in 2020), we will consider whether the schedule can be reduced back to annual.

After a follow-up email, board member Wyatt Rutherford phoned. We discussed issues that might contribute to high TTHM results. We noticed that a year earlier (August 2018), the TTHM results were roughly a third of 2019's. At that time in 2018, they were already using the current (CNBC) source, but were still in transition to full SW treatment and did not yet need to show they met the SW disinfection standards. Wyatt says back then they were adding much less chlorine solution than they do now to keep the free chlorine level high enough to meet CT. He also wonders what the chlorine level is when they first receive the water from CBNB, or possible interactions with CNBC's chloramines. I suggested he might contact the Circuit Rider to troubleshoot possible causes of the high level of TTHM and options. Also, Country Club Estates has a unique situation where most homes have their own 1,000-gal reservoir. Because the water system's DBP responsibilities end at the meter, they might want to begin monitoring DBPs at a tap in the distribution lines to remove the variable of how that homeowner manages their own private reservoir (holding time, etc.). Their Stage 2 DBP location, 62112 DOUBLE EAGLE RD, has a private reservoir.

10/4/19 Update: They will begin collecting DBP samples from a clean-out port on the distribution line at 62112 DOUBLE EAGLE RD rather than at the house. The increased (quarterly) DBP monitoring will be collected at both of the original (IDSE) addresses.
Associated Alerts: CHEM8510 - 09/17/2019 - TTHM

More information for this water system: SDWIS ID 4894
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