OHA Drinking Water Services
OHA Drinking Water Services
Contact Report Details

PWS ID: OR41 95402
Who Was Contacted: Emily Seaborg
Contact Phone: 503-631-4488 (Email address hidden)
Contact Date: 09/25/2019
Contact Method/Location: Phone
Reasons: Nitrate
Details: On September 25th, I spoke with the water system contact, Emily Seaborg, by phone about the recent nitrate test result that exceeded 50% of the MCL. We discussed the system's history with nitrate testing, including the quarterly testing that indicated no significant seasonality in concentration of nitrate and continued annual monitoring. Chronic health effects of nitrate in drinking water were discussed and a follow-up email included multiple handouts regarding nitrate as well as a link to the OHA: Drinking Water health effect page for Nitrate. It was recommended that the information be shared with those who are exposed to the water regularly, such as employees. Emily agreed to disseminate the information with users of the system's water.

On September 30th, I received a call from Shane at Liberty Natural do discuss the handouts I had sent regarding nitrate. He mentioned that the system plans to continue moving the testing to different quarters in an effort to continue to monitor for changes due to seasonality. We discussed nuances between the various handouts and various chronic effects of nitrate. He stated that all new hires receive information about nitrate in the water, current and historic levels, and acute and chronic hazards of nitrate. It was recommended that each time a result comes back over half of the MCL, that the staff be notified and reminded. Shane agreed.
Associated Alerts: CHEM8529 - 09/25/2019 - NITRATE

More information for this water system: SDWIS ID 5115
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