OHA Drinking Water Services
OHA Drinking Water Services
Contact Report Details

PWS ID: OR41 94636
Who Was Contacted: Gary EKKER
Contact Phone: 541-347-2256
Contact Date: 10/25/2019
Contact Method/Location: Phone
Reasons: GWR
Details: Gary Ekker called to report his lab notified him of TC present in repeat samples submitted yesterday. I advised that he look for possible sources of contamination new to the property or the well's vicinity and also look at the wellhead for sanitary defects and listen to the pump to see if it was frequently turning on which might indicate a leak (as a source of contamination). I told him I might send him a list (or the state will) of some defects to look for.
We discussed avoiding taking samples from swivel faucets and faucets with a screen threaded to it.
I provided a gross estimate of providing 10 ppm of chlorine for the well by adding 12 oz of a 5% chlorine solution and then running water from the furthest away faucet in the small system until the chlorine is detected and then doing the same with each faucet working back toward the well. When done with each faucet add another dose of chlorine to the well and over the next several days let the chlorine rinse out. Before collecting the 3 samples in November its most important to address any defects and then use the chlorine shock and then make sure all chlorine is eliminated from the well and piping leading to the sample points in distribution.
We also noted the well log shows some clay near the surface. If the clay is not an effective seal there is possibility of surface contamination making disinfection prudent.
Associated Alerts: COLI19465 - 10/28/2019 - COLIFORM (TCR)

More information for this water system: SDWIS ID 2843
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