OHA Drinking Water Services
OHA Drinking Water Services
Contact Report Details

PWS ID: OR41 01047
Who Was Contacted: Earl Scott
Contact Phone: 360-431-1154
Contact Date: 10/29/2019
Contact Method/Location: Phone
Reasons: Coliform
Details: 10/29/19 - I spoke with Earl Scott, who the contact Twila Scott forward me to speak with, regarding positive total coliform water test results for Rivers Edge MHP. He says the sample from 10/18 was taken from the same sample tap as the one collected on 10/1.
The system is required to collect 3 repeat samples and 1 triggered sample. Since the system originally had a positive total coliform sample on 10/1, I honored the 10/18 sample labeled as "RT" as one of the Repeats, since Earl says at was at the same tap, but mentioned that the two other samples must be labeled "Repeat". One of the repeat samples must be within 5 taps upstream and the other must be within 5 taps downstream. There also needs to be one raw water sample tap labeled as a "Triggered" sample.
Earl says that they initially tried to shock the well, and they still got the positive repeat sample, (listed as "routine" on 10/18). He said he has been working with McGhee Well Drilling company, who he claims shocked the aquifer. And they want to shock it again before the water tests are taken. He said since the lab is not open on Saturdays that he may not be able to get to collecting all the samples this week. But he says he made note of the repeat samples and one triggered sample to be taken soon.
Associated Alerts: COLI19445 - 10/21/2019 - COLIFORM (TCR)   See also: 11/22/2019

COLI19396 - 10/08/2019 - COLIFORM (TCR)   See also: 10/11/2019

More information for this water system: SDWIS ID 3526
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