OHA Drinking Water Services
OHA Drinking Water Services
Contact Report Details

PWS ID: OR41 00330
Who Was Contacted: Rick Harkey
Contact Phone: (Email address hidden)
Contact Date: 10/24/2019
Contact Method/Location: Email
Assistance Type: OTHER REGULATORY - Riverview Village is no longer classified as a purchasing PWS
Details: On 10.24.19, I received a call from Mr. Anthony Vieira with the City of Gold Beach enquiring about the reasons why Riverview Village was still required to perform water monitoring. Based on my initial discussion with the DWS office, the main key elements within OAR 333-061-0010(3) that define the need for this system to be considered a purchasing water system are: 1. Does the Mobile Home Park apply treatment or have an additional water source? Riverview village well is disconnected – no treatment. 2. Does the water system serve more than one property / tax lot? Gold Beach Public Water System is serving Riverview Village homes that are on two tax lots (305 and 600). I informed Mr. Vieira and Mr. Harkey that I would continue discussing this issue with the State to see if they can issue a final rule interpretation addressing similar cases. I will contact the operator if I hear back from them with any additional information that would change their status as a community purchasing water system.

On 10.14.19 I emailed the operator Mr. Zed Carpenter informing him that now that their system was connected to the City, their water system would be considered a purchasing community water system. As a purchasing water system the Coliform sampling and chemical sampling requirements changed. Instructed the operator to review the links provided, showing the new requirements. Mr. Carpenter answered my email and expressed not having clarity as to why they needed to test the City water. I provided Mr. Carpenter with the guidance provided by the DWS office stating that chemical and bacteriological testing would still be required mainly because their system was not fully consolidated with the City PWS.

More information for this water system: SDWIS ID 4538
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