OHA Drinking Water Services
OHA Drinking Water Services
Contact Report Details

PWS ID: OR41 00574
Who Was Contacted: Steve Moldt
Contact Phone: 541-404-8887
Contact Date: 09/03/2019
Contact Method/Location: Field
Based on what has been documents and the condition of the water plant it appeared that there were multiple issues with the Wildwood Estates water treatment plant because of low pH at the source water.

8/14/19 – Met at Wildwood Estates MHP and observed and discussed some of the issues.

From what I saw there are a few different options that will potentially solve the current issues. Some of these solutions can be seen as follows:

1. Additional or modified chemical treatment using existing facilities
2. A new plant that will be capable of handling the water quality requirements
3. Connecting to the Coos Bay North Bend Water Board distribution system

Potentially the most economical plan will be to investigate chemical treatment methods that can be handled with the existing equipment. To determine what will be the most effective way to treat the water, the first step to take will be performing a broad-spectrum water quality analysis of the source water. Once the results of the test are received, a recommendation for the best water treatment process can be made. The problem with this plan is that there may not be a good solution, so the time and money spent on trying to find a solution will be lost. The most surefire way to ensure a good source of drinking water is to connect to the Coos Bay North Bend Water Board.

Memo to Steve Moldt on 8/19/2019.

More information for this water system: SDWIS ID 3766
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