OHA Drinking Water Services
OHA Drinking Water Services
Contact Report Details

PWS ID: OR41 00359
Who Was Contacted and Phone: Frank Sterzinar
Contact Date: 01/11/2006
Contacted By: SALIS, KARI (DWP)
Contact Method/Location: Office
Reasons: SWTR
Details: SUMMARY: Flow meter problems / CT report DETAILS: I talked to Frank after playing phone tag for several days. He had a concern about reporting his CTs for December, since he has a new flow meter and it isnt working properly. He wrote up a letter explaining it, and he talked to Tom Charbonneau on 1/6/06. Tom told him to just use the average daily flow, which he did. He also has a redundant flow meter which is accurate, but it is not hooked up to the SCADA system so the values arent recorded. But using those numbers, CTs were met at all times. We also talked about using the 1 Mgal in CT calculations. They did not include it in the tracer study because their sampling equipment (pH, temp, CL2 residual) was before the tank. Now they are moving that equipment to after the 1 Mgal reservoir, so they will do another tracer study including both the clearwell and the 1 Mgal reservoir. They are also replacing the sand in one of their filters, and have a variety of projects going on. ACTION NEEDED: December SWTR report all ok.

More information for this water system: SDWIS ID 3960
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