OHA Drinking Water Services
OHA Drinking Water Services
Contact Report Details

PWS ID: OR41 00704
Who Was Contacted and Phone: Greg Ross (503) 245-9119
Contact Date: 01/20/2006
Contacted By: PATTEE, TOM (DWP)
Contact Method/Location: Office
Reasons: N/A
Details: SUMMARY: DWPA model review to determine potential for contamination by flood water . DETAILS: A customer of Rickreall Community Water Association expressed concern over the potential impact of flood waters on the drinking water quality from the Water Association. Specifically the customer was concerned that a proposed nearby gravel pit, if inundated, could contaminate the local drinking water supply with untreated surface water. To address the concerns of the customer, the original model used to identify the Drinking Water Protection Areas for the Rickreall Community Water Association was modified to determine if, in a preliminary sense, there was cause for concern. Results of the model analysis suggest that there would not be an impact on water quality in the wells, even under a 100-year flood event at the location of the proposed gravel pit. The customer was contacted and informed of the analysis results, their preliminary nature, and of the fact that a more sophisticated model designed to specifically address the issue might result in a different conclusion. Further details addressing the model assumptions, modifications, results, and preliminary conclusions are included in the Source Water Assessment file for the water system. ACTION NEEDED: No further action needed.

More information for this water system: SDWIS ID 3397
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