OHA Drinking Water Services
OHA Drinking Water Services
Contact Report Details

PWS ID: OR41 06118
Who Was Contacted: David Jacob
Contact Phone: 503-310-9262
Contact Date: 01/29/2020
Contact Method/Location: Phone
Assistance Type: OTHER WATER QUALITY - Water System Survey Schedule
Reasons: Other
Details: I called Mike Stone and left a message to schedule a Water System Survey of Columbia Hills HOA (PWS# 41-06118). David Jacob called me back and we scheduled the afternoon of Friday January 31st for the survey.
There is also a Columbia Hills HOA - Upper system (PWS# 41-06211) that is separate, and currently listed as State Regulated, but may have had a population increase in recent years. David Jacob mentioned they are planning on combining the HOA and HOA - Upper systems together.
David Jacob is also in charge of the Upper system, and says in response to their positive coliform results, he put a 1ppm dose of chlorination on the tank and the most recent sample results from last week have came back negative for total coliform. He said they worked with Alexin labs.
During Friday's survey, we will also assess how the population of the Upper system has changed and whether or not Columbia Hills HOA - Upper will switch their system category from a Non-EPA/State Regulated system to a County Regulated system, depending on the population and/or connections.

More information for this water system: SDWIS ID 4836
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