OHA Drinking Water Services
OHA Drinking Water Services
Contact Report Details

PWS ID: OR41 00672
Who Was Contacted and Phone: Paul Strader (541) 439-3102
Contact Date: 07/28/2006
Contact Method/Location: Office
Reasons: Operations
Details: SUMMARY: Performed CT Tracer Study for water treatment plant DETAILS: July 17, 2006 - Visited the Powers Water Treatment Plant to investigate plant flow rate, records, and demand flows from the reservoir in order to determine the necessary flow rate for the planned CT Tracer Study. Discussed method of performing the test. Scheduled CT Tracer Study for following Monday. July 24, 2006 - Arrived at site to conduct CT Tracer Study. Upon my arrival the operator was setting up a sprinkler to be hooked up to a fire hydrant to provide increased demand on system and the treatment plant was idle. The plant had been operating at its normal rate earlier in the day. The raw water flow rate was then increased and at the same time the chlorine solution feed rate was increased to provide a tracer. Returned to the office and plotted the test data. Results were not conclusive, retest required. July 27, 2006 - Returned to repeat CT Tracer Study. July 28, 2006 - Wrote report summarizing CT Tracer Study results. ACTION NEEDED: None

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