OHA Drinking Water Services
OHA Drinking Water Services
Contact Report Details

PWS ID: OR41 95251
Who Was Contacted and Phone: John E. Ulicny (541) 957-3424
Contact Date: 08/28/2006
Contact Method/Location: Office
Reasons: Coliform
Details: SUMMARY: Positive routine total coliform samples DETAILS: I received an alert for 5 positive routine total coliform samples taken on 8/10/06. I spoke to Bill Kimball on 8/16/06 and he said he would shock chlorinate the hand pump well and take a special sample. In the meantime, the handle was taken off the well so that the public could not use it. I talked to Bill again on 8/22/06 and he said that of the two special samples taken after shocking, one was positive for total coliform. He said he would take the handle off until my Sanitary Survey. I performed the survey on 8/23/06 and the well was in good condition, met the setback requirments, and based on the well report was constructed properly. Bill, John Ulicny, and Mary Pack thought it was possible the chlorine did not reach all parts of the well because the bolt for the entrance normally used to pour the chlorine into the well was unmovable and they instead poured it directly into the riser pipe. Both coliform samples I collected at the survey came out positive for total coliform. I talked to John Ulicny on 8/28/06 and suggested they try shocking using the lower entrance if the bolt can be removed and if they want to put the handle back on for public use, to issue unresolved public notice.

More information for this water system: SDWIS ID 4899
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