OHA Drinking Water Services
OHA Drinking Water Services
Contact Report Details

PWS ID: OR41 05299
Who Was Contacted and Phone: Gilbert Meigs
Contact Date: 09/06/2006
Contact Method/Location: Office
Reasons: Coliform
Details: SUMMARY: Quarterly Test Done 8/29/06 positive TC, pluse E.coli DETAILS: 9-6-06 - Called phone number for Gilbert Meigs on the alert. No longer his phone number, belongs to a different business. 9-7-06 Used Qwestdex online to search for a current phone number for Gilbert Meigs, found one at 503-221-7235. Called an left message asking him to call if he is still the contact for Wapanita or if he know who is. 9-8-06 Gilbert called back and said he as still involved with the water system. He said they have a UV unit on the system and the control panel failed. They have called the manufacturer and are waiting to hear back. I asked if any repeat sampling had been done, he said no, they were waiting to do it after the UV is fixed. I asked him not to wait until then, to do 4 repeats now so that the initial positive can be either confirmed or denied. He agreed to do so. I asked him to call when the repeat results are back. ACTION NEEDED: Will wait to hear from Gilbert about repeat samples. I will submit an Inventory Update form to the State with Mr. Meigs new phone number.

More information for this water system: SDWIS ID 286
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