OHA Drinking Water Services
OHA Drinking Water Services
Contact Report Details

PWS ID: OR41 00548
Who Was Contacted and Phone: Ed Kinney (541) 863-6337
Contact Date: 10/05/2006
Contact Method/Location: Office
Reasons: Operations
Details: SUMMARY: Received request from CWS for assistance with performing a CT Tracer Study DETAILS: The Clarks Branch Water Association has a surface water system that supplies water to approximately 75 residences. The CWS needed a CT Tracer Study performed. Actions Performed: I spoke to Clarks Branch Operator, Mr. Ed Kinney prior to the visit to set the system up to run the tracer study (have the plant running and stable with reservoir levels such that the plant could run for 6 hours). After a quick tour of the system from Mr. Kinney I began to collect background chlorine residuals both from the plant and at the user we suspected would provide the shortest contact time. The initial test began at 0945 but was scrubbed when the high service pump shut off. Pump control was switched to manual and attempts to get a background residual that the first user resumed. After a short time we noticed that the pump was not pumping in the manual configuration and valve changes were necessary. A consistent background residual was finally measure and the chlorine dose was boosted. However, the resulting boost fluctuated greatly and never stabilized enough to arrive at a T 10 value. Mr. Kinney had experienced similar problems with the pump and felt that the pump needs rebuilding. ACTION NEEDED: I will visit the site again after the chlorine pump has been rebuilt and is performing satisfactorily. We will then do a CT tracer study on both the high service first user and the gravity system first user.

More information for this water system: SDWIS ID 3972
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