OHA Drinking Water Services
OHA Drinking Water Services
Contact Report Details

PWS ID: OR41 01470
Who Was Contacted and Phone: Charlene Burke
Contact Date: 10/25/2006
Contact Method/Location: Office
Reasons: Operations
Details: SUMMARY: Snaitary Survey Deficiency Follow-up DETAILS: Monitoring Deficiency: Nitrate monitoring and reporting for 2005 is delinquent - not posted on the DHS-DWP database. Correction: Nitrate was not monitored and reported in 2005. The correction is to monitor and report nitrates for 2006 ASAP. I am enclosing a schedule for al required testing. Deficiency - The system is not following the Coliform Sampling Plan. Correction - The system is following the Coliform Sampling Plan -This deficiency has been corrected. Management Deficiencies: Deficiency: The system is not following the coliform Sampling Plan. Correction - The system does not have an Operation and Maintenance manual. This violation remains uncorrected. Deficiency - The system lacks a certified DRC operator of record. Correction The database shows the system has a DRC operator. Mary stated he is sending a copy of his contract with this system to the DHS/SWP this week. This violation has been corrected.

More information for this water system: SDWIS ID 4149
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