OHA Drinking Water Services
OHA Drinking Water Services
Contact Report Details

PWS ID: OR41 05410
Who Was Contacted and Phone: Thom Day ( ) 549-0891
Contact Date: 11/21/2006
Contact Method/Location: Office
Reasons: Coliform
Details: DETAILS: System took 5 routines in November following ongoing positive total coliform results since August 2006. Trend has been positive routine, then absent repeats. Then some of follow up routines present. Discussed possible sources with Thom Day, returning operator. 4 routines taken 10/12 absent. Divers sealing reservoir on the 24th, and one sample taken on 26th positive. This may explain positive from the 26th. This prompted 5 routines on 1/16 of which 3 were present. Most possible causes have been addressed. System will change labs just in case sampling or analysis technique is cause. Will take 5 routines December 6th and take action based on results. I recommended to system not to chlorinate at this time until results from next sampling is done so any potential contamination is not masked. Discussed public notice and looking at installing dedicated sample taps around system. ACTION NEEDED: Take 5 routine samples December 6th. If any of these are present, chlorinate reservoir and distribution system. Continue public notice sent out 8/28 until problem solved and the send out letter explaining what happened.

More information for this water system: SDWIS ID 2408
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