OHA Drinking Water Services
OHA Drinking Water Services
Contact Report Details

PWS ID: OR41 91540
Who Was Contacted and Phone: Kathy Ferris (541) 855-7710
Contact Date: 10/25/2006
Contact Method/Location: Office
Reasons: N/A
Details: SUMMARY: Jon (941-4418), a resident of the park who wants to remain anonymous, thinks that the drinking water may be making residents of the park ill. DETAILS: Jon has been feeling ill on and off for several months. He has heard, informally, that some other residents in the park have been having the same problem. He switched to bottled water for a while and his GI symptoms subsided then he went back to drinking the park water and started having diarrhea again. In reviewing the park file I noticed that a new section was added several years ago (Jon lives in this section). The park has been asked on the last two surveys to create a coliform sampling history, it is evident that they are not sampling the new area of the park. All recent samples in the original park area have been total coliform negative. I spoke with operator Kathy Ferris on the phone and reminded her of the need for a coliform sampling plan that incorporates the new area of the park. The new area is an extension of the old water main with no additional storage or entry points (so isolated coliform problems are unlikely). I sent Kathy a letter explaining the coliform sampling plan and providing her with a worksheet to complete the plan. I encouraged Jon to tell any ill residents in the park to call the Health Department. I also encouraged him to consult a doctor for prolonged GI symptoms. So far Jon is the only resident of the park that has called the Health Department concerning this issue. ACTION NEEDED: Kathy needs to complete a coliform sampling plan.

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