OHA Drinking Water Services
OHA Drinking Water Services
Contact Report Details

PWS ID: OR41 00307
Who Was Contacted and Phone: Rick Shaffer (541) 763-2698
Contact Date: 01/25/2007
Contacted By: WILSON, BOB (DWP)
Contact Method/Location: Office
Reasons: N/A
Details: SUMMARY: Cross Connection Enabling authority DETAILS: I met with Mr Shaffer to review the example EA and the system’s CCC. He knows where most of the backflow devices are, but does not maintain a list. The System requires double check valves on all new service connections. He said that there is a least one new underground sprinkler system that has a double check valve. We discussed the importance of hose bibb vacuum breakers for residents that use hose-type fertilizer or pesticide applicators or have stock watering vessels or hot tubs that are filled with the hose. I emphasized the importance of the EA so the City can require that these devices, where needed to be tested annually. Certified testers will provide the city with copies of test reports on all tests done. I discussed the fact that if the city grows to 300 or more connections, someone with the city must become certified as a CCC specialist. I reminded him that the ASR is due by 3-31. Reviewed monitoring compliance history for the City and the implications of the new well which is on its own entry point and is high in fluoride 4.9 mgl. He is aware that chemical tests will need to be collected from both entry points in the future. The City has a violation for the Lead and Copper Rule for failure to do follow up sampling after the first two rounds. A round was completed in 2006 and there have been no 90th percentile exceedence. There are no historic tests for Rads on the state data base that qualifies for Grandparenting. I advised him to check with their lab to see if these were done, but not reported. He said he was working with Gary-DWP on the fluoride problem. Reminded him that the ASR is due by 3-31. ACTION NEEDED: He needs to work with the City Attorney and Council to get the ordinance adopted and begin creating a master list of all known backflow prevention devices on the water system.

More information for this water system: SDWIS ID 3726
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