OHA Drinking Water Services
OHA Drinking Water Services
Contact Report Details

PWS ID: OR41 00852
Who Was Contacted and Phone: Paul Seibel (503) 661-1376
Contact Date: 01/30/2007
Contacted By: POTTS, JOHN (DWP)
Contact Method/Location: Field
Reasons: N/A
Details: SUMMARY: Assistance with installation of continuous chlorination DETAILS: On 1-10, I spoke to John McEvoy, Linn Co about the temporary connection of continuous chlorination for this system until Mr Seilbel decides on a long term plan of correction. He has discussed this with Karen Kelley-DWP and both agree that this is acceptable in the short term to provide chlorinated water to users in order to rescind the boil water notice. On 1-11, I spoke with Mr Seibel and he will contact Star Pump and Paul Christensen, well driller to get estimates. I explained that the chlorinator must be wired in phase with the well pump so it is activated when the pump is pumping water into the storage tank. Mr Seibel has contacted Paul Christensen and has a quote on a video of the well and talked to the City of Sweet Home about connection procedures. The city has recorded monthly water production from the flow meter on the storage tank effluent line, so water use figures are available. The highest usage was in July 06, with approximately 70 units produced. A unit of water=748 gallons, that equates to 52,360 gallons. The City of Sweet Home wants Mr Seibel to contact a plumber to propose what size water meter to install so a connection fee can be established. I also discussed SRF loan money that may be available to him. Roberto Reyes-Colon, DWP confirmed that they could apply ACTION NEEDED: Provide assistance with the installation and conduct a tracer study to determine contact time. Mr Seibel cancelled our 1-27 Tracer Study until further direction from John McEvoy and Karen Kelley as the most recent Bacti samples are negative. I spoke with Karen and she wants the tracer study to proceed and Mr Seibel will need to install a continuous feed chlorinator system prior to the storage tank. I will make arrangements for the contact study

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