OHA Drinking Water Services
OHA Drinking Water Services
Contact Report Details

PWS ID: OR41 00200
Who Was Contacted and Phone: Jack Harris (541) 954-8249
Contact Date: 02/19/2007
Contacted By: STRASSNER, BOB (DWP)
Contact Method/Location: Field
Reasons: N/A
Details: SUMMARY: Preparation for Tracer Study DETAILS: The initial investigation identified two service connections located downstream of the city’s well. The service lines are several hundred feet long and would be considered as the contact volume. As a result of the evaluation, a request of the city crews to begin collecting residual data at the two residences was made. A report of the findings was discussed and the Tracer Study was put on hold until the DWP Geologist and regional sanitarian could evaluate the situation. We were recently contacted with the go ahead to contact Coburg for a Tracer other than chlorine. Karen and I discussed the details of her conversation with the city, including Jack’s request for a substitute Tracer. Jack had broached the subject of a Tracer other than chlorine at our first meeting. He was concerned that the concentration used to create the Boost necessary to perform the study would be significant enough that the customers would be aware of the change in taste and or odor of the water. I thought we had resolved this issue prior to my leaving with instructions to him and his crew to gather some base line residual information at the residences where I was prepared to sample. I called Jack to reassure him of our intent to use chlorine due to the minimal residual he typically maintains in his system. The required Boost will not compromise the water quality to the extent that his customers will be impacted. The use of another chemical tracer would require additional feed equipment, a tap line, and some additional sampling to establish base line information. He seemed willing to except my arguments and schedule the Study for March 8th. ACTION NEEDED: Perform Tracer Study March 8th.

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