OHA Drinking Water Services
OHA Drinking Water Services
Contact Report Details

PWS ID: OR41 00253
Who Was Contacted and Phone: Rith Moore (541) 987-2188
Contact Date: 02/26/2007
Contacted By: WILSON, BOB (DWP)
Contact Method/Location: Field
Reasons: N/A
Details: SUMMARY: Cross Connection Enabling Authority DETAILS: I contacted Ruth Moore to offer assistance with the EA. I then modified the example EA to fit the needs of this system. I also modified, with permission, the City’s CCC ordinance. I met with Ms Moore and Ms Sagasar, to review the example EA and CCC Ordinance. They agreed that the CCC Ordinance would be a better fit for their system and plan to have it adopted at their March Council meeting. I reviewed the Annual Summary Report and helped them complete the form. I suggested that if they can get the ordinance adopted this month, it would be best to attach a copy of the ordinance to the ASR when they send it to DWP. I reminded them that the ASR is due by March 31. We discussed the need to maintain a list of all testable devices and make sure they are tested annually. Ms Sagasar is only aware of 1 such device at the sewage treatment plant, but it has not been tested recently. We discussed doing a survey and some of the tings to look for. Then we inspected the mini mart for cross connection, but found none. I suggested that she check the school, the restaurant and anyone in town that has their own well. We discussed the importance of hose bibb vacuum breakers for residents that use hose type fertilizer or pesticide applicators, stock watering vessels, hot tubs. Finally I reiterated the importance of the ordinance so that the city can require backflow devices where needed, and testable to be tested annually. ACTION NEEDED: Ms Moore needs to work on getting the CC Ordinance adopted, and submit the ASR. Ms Sagaser should be creating a master list of all known backflow devices on city water.

More information for this water system: SDWIS ID 3721
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