OHA Drinking Water Services
OHA Drinking Water Services
Contact Report Details

PWS ID: OR41 00193
Who Was Contacted and Phone: JIM MCCLURE (541) 447-4464
Contact Date: 02/17/2007
Contacted By: WILSON, BOB (DWP)
Contact Method/Location: Field
Reasons: N/A
Details: SUMMARY: Work with Chlorine feed and EA DETAILS: Mr McClure said that the chlorinator was installed and primed, but he had not added chlorine to the mixing tub. I recommended he purchase NSF approved 12 percent sodium hyprochlorite. I reviewed specifications on the fed pump. I met with Mr McClure and we added one gallon of chlorine solution to the tub and began testing residual and adjusting the feed pump settings. At 90 percent Stroke and 70 percent Frequency, the residual before entering the reservoir was 0.31 mgl. With a new pump in place and two gallons of 12 percent chlorine solution added to the mixing tub, the process began again. I spoke with McClure by phone, recommending that he reach 0.20 mgl chlorine residual at his residence which is in the middle of the distribution system. Initially this required a setting of 90 percent Stroke and 65 percent Frequency. After complaints of chlorine taste and odor from tenants, Crook County checked free and combined residuals and results were less than 0.10 mgl for both. We concluded that the chlorine is attacking organic material that has accumulated in the reservoir and or pipe. There were no more complaints, but the free residual began to rise, so McClure turned down the frequency to 55 Percent. After 2 or 3 more weeks, the free residuals began to stabilize. McClure test every day and has been consistently getting 0.20 mgl at his residence. I recommended that he also occasionally test the space furthest from the entry point. I advised him to have his lab do the required TTHM and HAA5 testing this summer and collect periodic coliform samples from the well before chlorination. Reviewed EA and McClure agreed to adopt the policy in the park and at this time there are no testable devices. ACTION NEEDED: System needs to check residual daily to maintain residual at or near 0.20 mgl.

More information for this water system: SDWIS ID 3268
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