OHA Drinking Water Services
OHA Drinking Water Services
Contact Report Details

PWS ID: OR41 01005
Who Was Contacted and Phone: Bill Cummins (541) 746-0659
Contact Date: 10/31/2006
Contacted By: POTTS, JOHN (DWP)
Contact Method/Location: Office
Reasons: N/A
Details: SUMMARY: Cross Connection, Coliform sampling plan and O and M Procedures DETAILS: I met with Mr Cummins on 10-31 and reviewed all his records that he maintains at the site and found that an ERP was completed by Delta Engineering in 5-2006 and the certification sent to DWP. Mr Cummins thought that Delta had also completed a cross connection enabling authority and he called them and they had not, so I will complete that document for him. I reviewed what the EA covers, inspected the park irrigation PVB device and informed him that it needs testing annually, which he will do next year prior to activating the system. I reviewed coliform sampling procedures and reviewed the parks water distribution map and picked sampling sites and will complete a coliform sampling plan. Delta Environmental actually collects the monthly samples. The park has two independent distribution systems to best of his knowledge, so I chose 2 sites on each. I reminded him to send in the 2005 CCR using the 2004 CCR version updating it to include many change or contaminant detections occurring in 2005. There is a small general in nature, operational instruction sheet for some water system routine procedures. I will provide hum with some basic O and M information for him to expand and update his manual. DWP has suggested a tracer study be conducted for chlorine contact time as it is currently estimated. There is a reservoir effluent flow meter so a study would be fairly straightforward to conduct. I suggested this summer when the irrigation system is activated for the study. ACTION NEEDED: Complete Cross Connection enabling authority and provide some basic inspection guidelines for device location requirements. I will complete the coliform sampling plan. Contact him for a tracer study.

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