OHA Drinking Water Services
OHA Drinking Water Services
Contact Report Details

PWS ID: OR41 01476
Who Was Contacted and Phone: Mark Shepherd (541) 548-0835
Contact Date: 04/21/2007
Contacted By: WILSON, BOB (DWP)
Contact Method/Location: Field
Reasons: N/A
Details: SUMMARY: Coliform Sampling, OM Manual and Cross Connection Enabling Authority DETAILS: We reviewed the map of the system and most recent sanitary survey. Discussed coliform sampling and agree that rotating between the property management office and the recreation building, which are at the opposite end of the systems would be good. Completed a CSP accordingly including repeat sites for routine sites. Reviewed draft enabling authority, Mark agreed to take it to Matt Cyrus to have it adopted. Most of the homes have underground sprinklers and have double check valves, but there is no master list of devices, nor is annual testing being done or reported. Discussed the need for annual testing of devices and for the system to get copies. Reviewed the ASR form. Mark agreed to check with Mr Cyrus to make sure the ASR was submitted. Worked on development of OM Manual, ERP, CSP, CCC, Operator Certification, CCR report and routine operations. Recommended that the shut off valves in the distribution system be exercised twice a year and that the dead ends be flushed at least once yearly. ACTION NEEDED: System needs to adopt EA and submit copy to DWP. System need to develop a master list of backflow devices and make sure annual test are being completed. They need to complete the CSP and OM Manual and notify Deschutes County that these have been completed.

More information for this water system: SDWIS ID 4331
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