OHA Drinking Water Services
OHA Drinking Water Services
Contact Report Details

PWS ID: OR41 00462
Who Was Contacted and Phone: Richard DeChaine (503) 636-0424
Contact Date: 05/17/2007
Contact Method/Location: Office
Reasons: Disinfection Byproducts
Details: SUMMARY: DBP Sampling Violation and Chlorination techniques DETAILS: Richards concern was with his DBP violation that he earned for not taking his 2006 DBP test.
We suspect that he was led astray in his discussions with EPA regarding Stage 2. Richard may have confused the Stage 1 DBP requirements - annual sampling - with Stage 2 DBP requirements (where he likely got a small system waiver).

Regarding Skylandss seasonal use of Lake Oswego (LO) chlorinated surface water every summer:
Skylandss 120 gpm well has no treatment on it. The well water and LOs surface water mix in Skylandss 250,000 gal reservoir. The chlorine residual is high enough to permeate the entire distribution system. Richard says that 0.3 ppm is the lowest residual hes found in the distribution. The well water mixes with the chlorinated surface water before it reaches any users. ACTION NEEDED: Skylands must take DBP tests every year during the hottest month that they use Lake Oswegos water.

Skylands does not need to install a chlorinator on the well, but does need to continue measuring chlorine residual daily whenever they use Lake Oswegos water.

More information for this water system: SDWIS ID 4047
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