OHA Drinking Water Services
OHA Drinking Water Services
Contact Report Details

PWS ID: OR41 05663
Who Was Contacted and Phone: Devin Cooper (503) 263-6405
Contact Date: 03/13/2007
Contact Method/Location: Office
Reasons: Coliform
Details: SUMMARY: State-regulated: quarterly routine taken 3/8/07 TC positive DETAILS: I called and left a message Monday 3/12/07 with Devins wife, she said she would have him call me back. Tuesday 3/13 Davin returned call and left message, I tried calling him back but he was already gone so I left him a message again. I called on 3/15/07 and spoke to his wife again (he was gone to a meeting). I reviewed with her the follow-up testing requirements and asked her to pass on the message to Devin. She said Coffey Labs does their sampling so the repeats were probably done by them automatically. I reviewed the system statistics with Mrs. Cooper (population, connections, address, etc.) and there were no changes except to make Devin the contact. Inventory update completed this date and faxed to DWP. ACTION NEEDED: No further action at this time. I told Mrs. Cooper that they can call me anytime if they have any questions or need help with anything.

More information for this water system: SDWIS ID 490
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