OHA Drinking Water Services
OHA Drinking Water Services
Contact Report Details

PWS ID: OR41 00852
Who Was Contacted and Phone: Paul Seibel (503) 661-1376
Contact Date: 01/22/2007
Contacted By: POTTS, JOHN (DWP)
Contact Method/Location: Field
Reasons: N/A
Details: SUMMARY: E. coli investigation DETAILS: 4 routines collected 12/19/06 E. coli pos, including wellhead sample. Linn County Health Dpt put PWS on boil water notice in response to E. coli results. Well and 1,500 gal. storage shock chlorinated Dec. 21, sample collected 12/ 29 was TC pos. On 1/3/07 Paul Seibel (PS) again shock chlorinated well/storage tank after collecting another coliform sample. Nov. 06: 1 routine and all 4 repeat samples TC pos/PS shock chlorinated well and storage tank after repeat samples collected. System now TCR MCL violator for 2 consecutive months. Checked nitrate results- found nitrate present in all sample results beginning 1984, from 1.7 mg/L to 4.6 mg/L, indicating some impact from sewage or fertilizer on aquifer. Spoke to PS about his shock chlorination technique- sounded adequate. System has two wells- well 2 not used due to past contamination. No well log for well 1, but estimated to be 73 ft deep from info obtained in 1980s during previous sanitary surveys (that info unconfirmed). Without well log impossible to ascertain well casing and grout seal construction, depth, well yield, or geological formations present that would be helpful in evaluating integrity/potential for source water contamination. Given age of MHP, most likely well 40-50 years old, beginning to deteriorate, allowing surface water to enter around casing. Made following recommendations to PS: collect nitrate sample ASAP-- contact well driller to video inside of well casing (provided contact)-- investigate rehabilitating well 1 with new casing, annular grout seal, possibly deepening-- contact Mike Adams, PW dir. for Sweet Home re: hooking up to city water-- abandon well 2. Prepared report, mailed to PS, emailed to J. McEvoy at Linn County HD. Discussed MHP connection process with Mike Adams/relayed info to PS. ACTION NEEDED: Follow up as needed. Assist as requested by Linn Co. or DHS-DWP.

More information for this water system: SDWIS ID 3452
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