OHA Drinking Water Services
OHA Drinking Water Services
Contact Report Details

PWS ID: OR41 01384
Who Was Contacted and Phone: Mike Alvin (503) 982-6570
Contact Date: 05/31/2007
Contacted By: POTTS, JOHN (DWP)
Contact Method/Location: Field
Reasons: Operations
Details: SUMMARY: Chlorine dosing and residual monitoring DETAILS: Elevated iron and manganese levels based on recent test results. Raw iron was 0.516 mg/L and treated was ND. Raw manganese was 0.318 mg/L and treated was 0.283 mg/L. High chlorine levels before filters and greatly reduced levels in system. The residual levels drop within 3-4 days after mixing new solution vats for chlorine feeding. There is a possibility that too much chlorine is being fed into the system as total chlorine levels are greater than 4 mg/L in some measurements. I visited the system again on May 24 and discussed dilution mixture ratios, reviewed the iron and manganese results and measured turbidity levels in the raw water. The flow meter was indicating a flow of ~125 gpm, which seemed high. I timed the flow needle measurement with the gallons recorded on the meter and it matched. Mr. Alvin said that the well has 2 submersible pumps and the control boxes indicated a 1 hp Grundfos pump rated at 25 gpm and a 1.5 hp Berkeley pump. I questioned whether these two pumps could produce 125 gpm together, so the flow meter may need adjustment. I recommended that he reduce the solution ratio to 0.5 gallon chlorine to 30 gallons of water and see what residuals are maintained. I also recommended that he use Woodburn city water or bottled water for the solution mixture as the high manganese levels in his make up water may impact the chlorine strength over time as he claims that chlorine residual levels drop over time after each solution vat replenish. I left him a digital Hatch colorimeter set for tenths measurements so he can measure chlorine residuals up to 5 mg/L. I will research iron and manganese treatment providers in his area and recommend an evaluation of potential treatment options. ACTION NEEDED: Contact Mr. Alvin to see if any changes have occurred based on my recommendations. Research and contact treatment providers.

More information for this water system: SDWIS ID 3633
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