OHA Drinking Water Services
OHA Drinking Water Services
Contact Report Details

PWS ID: OR41 00466
Who Was Contacted and Phone: Dave Terrusa (541) 348-2142
Contact Date: 05/07/2007
Contacted By: STRASSNER, BOB (DWP)
Contact Method/Location: Office
Reasons: Operations
Details: SUMMARY: Water intake structure issues DETAILS: Langlois is having work done on the intake structure in Flores Creek. Dave called to discuss concerns he has about their plans to upgrade their existing intake. Dave proceeded to explain the work that was taking place on the intake structure at the Langlois Plant and what he thought might be a more reliable approach for the long term. We discussed developing the ground water well adjacent to the pump house. We discussed the intake structures of various local plants we have toured or otherwise had knowledge of their performance. I reviewed the Langlois file for previous recommendations or work related to the intake structure and found a water system controls and improvements engineering report submitted in October 2006. I reviewed the internet for additional intake options for Dave to consider. I reminded Dave of the engineering report and of the additional information from the web and as I did Dave mentioned Langlois had an engineer working on the project. I recommended that Langlois talk with their engineer and the board to make a decision on the direction of their project. ACTION NEEDED: Be available with technical assistance if requested in the future by the district.

More information for this water system: SDWIS ID 3963
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