OHA Drinking Water Services
OHA Drinking Water Services
Contact Report Details

PWS ID: OR41 01470
Who Was Contacted and Phone: Marty Van Winkle (541) 760-1205
Contact Date: 06/08/2007
Contact Method/Location: Office
Reasons: N/A
Details: SUMMARY: Updated iron/manganese problem with operator DETAILS: Marty states that he has fixed the valve that has allowed water with iron/manganese content to enter the reservoir, although some water with iron/manganese remains in the reservoir. He will be flushing the lines at Ashwood Estates this afternoon to remove as much of this water as possible. Marty is unsure whether there are dead end lines at Ashwood but has obtained a schematic of the parks water lines. He will provide blow-offs on any dead end lines needing them. He will update us regarding the distribution at Ashwood Estates for our files. I was unable to contact Vicki Meyer directly- left her a voice mail reminding her that Ashwood Estates is part of the Lone Oak Estates PWS and the need for direct communication with all users. ACTION NEEDED: n/a

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