OHA Drinking Water Services
OHA Drinking Water Services
Contact Report Details

PWS ID: OR41 00624
Who Was Contacted and Phone: Kevin Fear (541) 929-3579
Contact Date: 08/21/2007
Contacted By: KELLEY, KAREN (REGION 2)
Contact Method/Location: Office
Reasons: Disinfection Byproducts
Details: SUMMARY: DBP Quarterly Sampling Schedule DETAILS: City of Philomath received a violation for not reporting DBPs during 2nd quarter 2007. Eric Nittka called to find out why the violation was assessed since John Potts had told them to sample annually. I reviewed the file and found that John Potts had indeed reduced the monitoring schedule from 2 samples quarterly to annually. John documented the reduction using the Sanitary Survey from 4/13/2005 and the chemical monitoring schedule form dated 4/13/2005. The sample schedule change was never entered into sdwis, thus a violation was generated when the DBP M/R violation process was resumed. However, sample results currently shown in sdwis for DBPs do not allow for the reduction to quarterly given that the only 4 consecutive quarterly samples submitted show a running annual average for TTHM at 0.042 mg/L and HAA5 at 0.016 mg/L. So, after discussing the situation with Joe Carlson, it was decided that the violation would be removed since the City was following the schedule given to them by John Potts, but that quarterly monitoring must resume for a minimum of four consecutive quarters until the reduction can be granted. ACTION NEEDED: Relayed this information to Kevin Fear via phone on 8/21/2007. Kevin will begin quarterly monitoring again (currently in 3rd quarter 2007). Kevin will also review the data currently shown on-line to see if we may be missing some data. DMCA staff will correct sample data shown for 10/28/2004 and 12/07/2004 as it is currently incorrect in sdwis.

More information for this water system: SDWIS ID 3983
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