OHA Drinking Water Services
OHA Drinking Water Services
Contact Report Details

PWS ID: OR41 00012
Who Was Contacted and Phone: Jim Young (541) 917-7609
Contact Date: 08/09/2007
Contacted By: KELLEY, KAREN (REGION 2)
Contact Method/Location: Office
Reasons: Lead or Copper
Details: SUMMARY: Lead Action Level Exceedance for June 2007 DETAILS: On 7/30/2007, Jim Young sent me a letter with lead/copper and water quality parameter results for the City collected in June 2007. The 90th percentile for lead was 0.020 mg/L and copper was 0.22 mg/L. The lead action level of0.015 mg/L was again exceeded. Caustic soda was installed last spring and pH was increased to 7.5 (additional plan review requirements waived by Tom Charbonneau). I spoke with Jim Young on 8/9/2007. We reviewed ongoing public education requirements. Jim told me the City plans to increase the caustic to reach a pH of 8.3 at the entry point. After this new target pH is stabilized, they will collect another round of lead/copper. If results are good, they will back down on the caustic dosage while sampling high lead sites to find the optimal pH. Jim will be sure to document steps taken in finding the optimal pH to present to the DHS DWP when evaluating the minimum pH requirements. The saturation pH for Calcium Carbonate Precipitation is approximately 9.3 (max pH), so this plan should not cause precipatation problems. I did point out to Jim that caustic does not add alkalinity and they may want to look into soda ash to replace the caustic. Jim said the City wants to stick with caustic for now as the equipment is already in place. Jim also informed me on 8/16/07 via email that they will research consultants available to perform the recommended corrosion control study at the same time as they implement the new target pH. ACTION NEEDED: Await documentation of continued public education and next round of sample results. This system is not a SNC due to lead results <0.030 mg/L.

More information for this water system: SDWIS ID 3872
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