OHA Drinking Water Services
OHA Drinking Water Services
Contact Report Details

PWS ID: OR41 01501
Who Was Contacted: Jason Wilson
Contact Phone: 541-297-3371
Contact Date: 03/02/2020
Contact Method/Location: Field
Details: The circuit rider made a site visit to Country Club Estates on 12/16/2019 to asses the system and to talk to the operator about how the system is being run and possible changes that could be made to mitigate the DBP issues they are faced with. Due to the existing piping layout, the CT study methodology (of the tracer test conducted in November of 2018) utilized only one of four 5,000 gallon water storage tanks for contact time. The three tanks furthest downstream were plumed “in and out” at the bottom of the tanks. At this time we recommend reconfiguration of the storage tank plumbing to increase contact time in an effort to lower the amount of chlorine residual required to meet the current CT. Theoretically, the contact time could be tripled simply by adding a riser to the effluent side of tank number 4. This would force the water to travel:

• Top to bottom in tank number 2
• Top to bottom in tank number 3
• Bottom to top in tank number 4

The current CT study gives 48 minutes of contact time and to meet a CT of 87, an entry point residual of 1.8 mg/L is required. Adding two additional tanks to the CT segment should yield ~144 minutes of contact time. With three times the contact time (144 minutes) the required residual to meet a CT of 87 will be significantly lower at 0.6 mg/L. The lower concentration should translate to diminished DBP formation in the CT segment.

We also recommend that the CCE water operator calculate CT daily based on water temperature and pH to ensure that the CT segment is meeting the required CT for that day, and at the same time, NOT being over-dosed with sodium hypochlorite.

The circuit rider can provide follow-up assistance as needed.

More information for this water system: SDWIS ID 4894
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