OHA Drinking Water Services
OHA Drinking Water Services
Contact Report Details

PWS ID: OR41 01073
Who Was Contacted and Phone: Joan and Judy Ulmer (541) 822-3928
Contact Date: 09/17/2007
Contacted By: STRASSNER, BOB (DWP)
Contact Method/Location: Field
Reasons: N/A
Details: SUMMARY: Sanitary Survey Deficiencies DETAILS: A problem with chlorine levels was experienced during the survey due to the chlorine pump. I went through the chlorine pump and found fittings on the suction side of the pump loose. The pump was pulling air into the suction tubing. All fittings were checked and tightened. The pump was affixed to a shelf above the chlorine barrel, higher than necessary to conform to the suction head of the pump. I lowered the pump approximately 1 foot and took out a loop in the effluent tubing where the air had been trapped prior. The chlorine concentration was adjusted and an additional 20% was set on the pump speed control. Chlorinated water is pumped into a series of pressure tanks prior to distribution line to maintain distribution service pressure. Chlorine residual became detectable several hours after the adjustments were made. Chlorine tested at the MHP’s normal chlorine sampling location. No residual was detected. Instructions were given to both Judy and Joan to check residuals at the coliform site on a regular basis until a residual was detected. We discussed other issues noted during the survey that we would schedule once a reliable chlorine residual is maintained in the distribution. Judy called the office the following Monday to report chlorine was currently at the sample site and various locations in the park distribution system. Further assistance will be scheduled after Joan returns from vacation. ACTION NEEDED: I will schedule an appointment after October to address outstanding deficiencies.

More information for this water system: SDWIS ID 3536
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