OHA Drinking Water Services
OHA Drinking Water Services
Contact Report Details

PWS ID: OR41 95332
Who Was Contacted and Phone: Klaas Den Heyer
Contact Date: 08/21/2007
Contact Method/Location: Office
Reasons: Coliform
Details: SUMMARY: Responded to a fecal coliform (e-coli) alert. DETAILS: Spoke to Larry (Assistant Park Manager). Explained the significance of positive coliform water tests. Explained the legal prudence of explaining the water system to clients that the water may not be safe to drink (recommended posting a boil water advisory). Examined the water system. Observed that Chlorination may be occurring before the slow sand filter rather that after. No other problems observed. ACTION NEEDED: Informed Assistant Park Manager that four repeat water samples would need to be taken at different point sources (water faucets) within 24 hours. Informed Assistant Park Manager that five routine water samples would also need to be taken at different point sources (water faucets) during the month of September. Informed Assistant Park Manager that if all subsequent water samples are negative for fecal coliform that they would be able to return to their previous water sampling schedule. The Assistant Park Manager felt that he would be unable to take the necessary repeat water samples within 24 hours and opted to shut the water system off until the samples can be taken. The Assistant Park Manager lives in the Park.
Associated Alerts: n/a - -

More information for this water system: SDWIS ID 4979
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