OHA Drinking Water Services
Contact Report Details |
PWS ID: | OR41 00438 | ||
Who Was Contacted and Phone: | Wendy Slembrouck/Kristi Gonzales (541) 884-2520 | ||
Contact Date: | 11/05/2007 | ||
Contacted By: | STRASSNER, BOB (DWP) | ||
Contact Method/Location: | Field | ||
Assistance Type: | CIRCUIT RIDER ASSISTANCE | ||
Reasons: | N/A N/A |
Details: | SUMMARY: Water Quality Issues DETAILS: I met with Darrell and John at 8:00 to begin flushing the distribution system. The customers had been notified of the flushing and notified what to expect. The well was left on line during the flushing to promote flow to the system. Flushing of the mobile home park’s hydrants nearest the storage tank was flowed in a systematic manner from the highest point thru to the lowest point in the mobile home park. Sampling of the flows was done at one minute, five minutes and fifteen minute intervals to evaluate the presence of the white particulates being flushed from the system. Chlorine residual readings were measured at each hydrant. Flushing velocities were approximately two to three feet per second, an unmeasured estimate. The golf course located in the middle of the system has its own valve connection to the distribution system. The golf course watering had been curtailed prior to the scheduled flushing. The golf course was intentionally valved off and not included in the system flushing. The flushing was accomplished with particles present at all locations. In most cases, particles were not observed after several minutes of flushing. Cul de saca and a few hydrants required 30 minutes of flushing before the particulates were no longer present. After completing the flushing, I visited a few homes to sample customer services. Most locations did not experience any problems in water clarity with the exception of two Cul de sacs service located down line from the flushing hydrant. I reported to Gary Burnett and Delbert Bell that the task was completed and the results. ACTION NEEDED: Continue communication with all interested parties. |