OHA Drinking Water Services
OHA Drinking Water Services
Contact Report Details

PWS ID: OR41 01399
Who Was Contacted and Phone: Chris Lowrie (503) 873-3237
Contact Date: 02/26/2008
Contacted By: MITCHELL, TOM (DWP)
Contact Method/Location: Office
Reasons: Arsenic
Details: SUMMARY: Question on issuing PN on Arsenic MCL DETAILS: Chris said she got the violation for an MCL on the arsenic sample of 4/17/07 and she had a question on completing the public notice. (This system is on an AO to handle the elevated arsenic, and the AO includes issuing the PN by 4/8/08.) I referred her to the EPA Pulbic Notice Handbook (rev 3/07) for specifics on what is required, which includes specific health effects language among other things. I drew her attention to the EPA template for Rads/Chem PNs which states that an alternative water source (e.g. bottled water) is not requierd, as she was concerned about the need for alternative water use. I advised her to contact Marion Co EH and inform them of this action and to follow up with the county on their progress on the AO. Also advised her to send a copy of the issued PN to the DWP. ACTION NEEDED: None
Associated Alerts: CHEM2468 - 05/03/2007 - ARSENIC

More information for this water system: SDWIS ID 3639
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