OHA Drinking Water Services
OHA Drinking Water Services
Contact Report Details

PWS ID: OR41 00169
Who Was Contacted and Phone: Mark Norris (541) 839-6377
Contact Date: 01/08/2008
Contact Method/Location: Field
Reasons: N/A
Details: SUMMARY: Assistance for improving filter performance DETAILS: Following a period of abnormally cold weather City Water Plant Operators were unable to satisfactorily treat the water and treated water reservoir were at very low levels. Initially city staff felt that the treatment plant problems were due to deicer applied to the freeway, which parallels a good portion of the stream that is the water source. I suggested that we check alkalinity and pH both before the stream reaches the freeway and at the plant. These parameters proved to be unchanged. The treatment plant utilizes liquid alum, 573c polymer and sodium hypochlorite. After a quick jar test we made adjustments to flow and the alum dose. With these changes the plant quickly came around. In addition, filter runs and have tripled in time and volume. The City asked if I would come back the following week and help with making some chemical feed changes, which I did. They are now in the process of switching to feeding the alum neat instead of diluted. ACTION NEEDED: The city has asked that I provide further training with jar testing and evaluation of filter performance.

More information for this water system: SDWIS ID 3940
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