OHA Drinking Water Services
OHA Drinking Water Services
Contact Report Details

PWS ID: OR41 00550
Who Was Contacted and Phone: Sean Negherbon (541) 863-3782
Contact Date: 02/29/2008
Contacted By: ERBELE, HANK (DWP)
Contact Method/Location: Office
Reasons: N/A
Details: SUMMARY: Summarize options to achieve a domestic water supply for residents out of the City of Myrtle Creek system DETAILS: The City of Myrtle Creek requested HBH assistance to evaluate options and feasibility of a variety of means to supply drinking water to users both the present distribution system, in the vicinity of Springbrook Springs. These include an estimated 20 homes that until recently had tapped into the citys "spring water" that supplies the Springbrook Water Treatment Plant. Both distance and vertical elevation of these residences from the current distribution system complicate the supply of water and have potentially significant capital and operational costs. Using the springs as a drinking water source for the homes require treatment that needs to be determined to meet the State of Oregon’s drinking water Standards. Evaluated “Point of Use” rules, equipment, ad costs as an option for water supply to the homes in question. Reviewed “Ground Water Under Direct Influence” rules, and estimated sampling and lab costs to evaluate the spring, and the level of treatment that will be required. Complete estimates to provide and install booster pump stations. Complied a report to the City to identify four system options and subsequent advantages/disadvantages as well as estimated costs. ACTION NEEDED: Project complete.

More information for this water system: SDWIS ID 3974
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