OHA Drinking Water Services
OHA Drinking Water Services
Contact Report Details

PWS ID: OR41 00236
Who Was Contacted and Phone: Ray Pardee (541) 942-3349
Contact Date: 02/15/2008
Contacted By: NELSON, TERRY (DWP)
Contact Method/Location: Office
Reasons: N/A
Details: SUMMARY: Request from system for assistance with controls and automation problems DETAILS: System contacted HBH to request help in evaluating the telemetry system. The telemetry system has become unreliable, resulting in unpredictable shutdowns of the plant. This is a severe problem, particularly because of the remote location and the cost of labor to operate the plant manually. The operator has been told by suppliers of the equipment that it is obsolete and should be upgraded. However, it has been unclear which equipment should be replaced and which should be repaired. Furthermore, the system needed to know the operations impact of removing certain equipment for repair. The system is interested in changing the telemetry method to radio but is concerned that it might not work because there is not a line-of-sight path from the tank to the plant. I visited the sites and spoke to the operator about the problem, studied the plant control schematics and inspected the telemetry components. I conducted a data radio test between the sites and verified that radio is a viable option.I provided a report to the system which offers a recommendation for an upgrade that would solve the problem. The report included budgetary estimates. ACTION NEEDED: Answer questions generated by the report.

More information for this water system: SDWIS ID 4293
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