OHA Drinking Water Services
OHA Drinking Water Services
Contact Report Details

PWS ID: OR41 00302
Who Was Contacted and Phone: Randall Reitz (541) 342-1718
Contact Date: 02/26/2008
Contact Method/Location: Office
Reasons: N/A
Details: SUMMARY: SRF Loan Assistance DETAILS: System is seeking assistance with an application for the Safe Drinking Water Loan Funds. The system is seeking funds for water treatment improvements, new treatment building, storage and new raw water intake. I reviewed the application that Mr Reitz completed and reviewed the system information for the existing facility. I also reviewed the program guidelines and applicants handbook. I discussed specific application requirements with Roberto Reyes-Colon of DWP and Karen Homalac of OECDD. I identified several deficiencies in the funding application, including lack of system information, land use approval, system maps, system budget, O&M costs and an engineering feasibility study. I contacted the applicant and discussed the application requirements. He is going to gather additional information and try to complete the portions of the application that he is able to. I advised him to contact me directly with any additional questions. I advised Mr Reitz that we could complete the feasibility study as a Circuit Rider. He is assembling some information, water records, water production records and raw water quality information. He will contact me when he is ready to schedule a site visit to discuss system needs and begin the feasibility study for water system improvements. ACTION NEEDED: Perform feasibility study as a separate Circuit Rider action.

More information for this water system: SDWIS ID 3953
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