OHA Drinking Water Services
OHA Drinking Water Services
Contact Report Details

PWS ID: OR41 93442
Who Was Contacted and Phone: Donica Patel
Contact Date: 09/26/2007
Contact Method/Location: Office
Reasons: Coliform
Details: SUMMARY: Received alert from DHS that quarterly bacteria sample was + for TC. DETAILS: Contacted Donica to explain the need for 4 more samples right away and then 5 more next month. I sent and discussed the sampling locations, and the proper sampling technique. She used improper technique which could be why the positive was achieved. I discussed some issues from the prior sanitary survey with her. The last survey was done with a different owner/operator of the motel and all deficiencies have not been corrected. She was unaware of drinking water program requirements. Hopefully we are on the way to improving the situation. The survey showed no approved plan review for the installation of a filter and chlorination system. I contacted Scott Curry and he had done plan review and approved the system. He will send us a copy of the approval. ACTION NEEDED: Follow-up next month to insure samples were taken and submitted to DHS DWP. Need to also follow up with her about the unsolved deficiences on san survey under previous owner. This will involve a site visit.
Associated Alerts: n/a - -

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