OHA Drinking Water Services
Contact Report Details |
PWS ID: | OR41 94405 | ||
PWS Name: | DAIRY DINER | ||
Who Was Contacted and Phone: | Randy Oconnor (541) 545-1010 | ||
Contact Date: | 12/27/2007 | ||
Contacted By: | BURCH, SUSAN (KLAMATH COUNTY) | ||
Contact Method/Location: | Office | ||
Assistance Type: | VIOLATION RESPONSE | ||
Reasons: | Coliform N/A |
Details: | SUMMARY: Missing coliform tests DETAILS: This info was given to Oconnors Irish Pub and Diner operator on 12-27-07. Water system is in compliance at this time for 2007 notrate testing. However, the first and third quarters of coliform testing for 2006 were missed. When the 4th quarter coliform for 2006 was done, it was positive for total coliform and many repeat and routine tests were done and action was taken, to try to get the system into compliance. These extr samples were not always labeled correctly and the correct number may not have been done. Aletter, written by Randy, needs to be submitted to the state and to KCEHD explaining which tests were repeats, which were routines, and what actions (broken pipe fixed, etc.) took place during this time period. It is unclear if a coliform was taken the 1st quarter of 2007. No coliform tests were taken the 2nd or 3rd quarter of 2007. ACTION NEEDED: Water system operator must post a public notice, in several areas of the restaurant where the public will see it, stating what testing was missed, that testing is being done on schedule now and that all recent tests done are in compliance. Fax a copy of this notice to the state Drinking Water Program (fax 971-673-0457) and to KCEHD (fax 541-883-4280). This notice must be posted until the end of March 2008. If all testing is in compliance at that time, the notice may be removed. |